Yaqi Xia (夏亚奇)
PhD, School of Computer Science, Wuhan University
I am Yaqi Xia, I am currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in computer science with Wuhan University under the supervision of Prof. Dazhao Cheng. My research interests include distributed deep learning model training, high-performance computing, and graph neural network (GNN) optimization. Before pursuing my Ph.D., I obtained both my Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Xidian University, where I had the privilege of being mentored by Prof. Rui Song. During this time, I laid the foundation for my research in computer vision, focusing on areas such as point cloud completion and remote sensing, which has significantly shaped my current academic trajectory.
Wuhan University
Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence Sep. 2021 -
Xidian University
M.S. in Electronics and Communication Engineering Sep. 2018 - Jul. 2021
Xidian University
B.S. in Communication Engineering Sep. 2014 - Jul. 2018
Research Center for Graph Computing, Zhejiang Lab
Research Intern Aug. 2023 - Dec. 2023
Yaqi Xia, Zheng Zhang, Donglin Yang, Chuang Hu, Xiaobo Zhou, Hongyang Chen, Qianlong Sang†, Dazhao Cheng†(† corresponding author)
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed (TPDS) 2024 JournalCCF-A
This work introduces Sven, a co-designed algorithm-system library aimed at accelerating TGNN training on a multi-GPU platform.
Yaqi Xia, Donglin Yang, Xiaobo Zhou, Dazhao Cheng†(† corresponding author)
The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC) 2024 ConferenceCCF-A
In this paper, we introduced HyDRA, a pioneering framework for sampling-based GNN training on large-scale graphs.
Yaqi Xia, Zheng Zhang, Hulin Wang, Donglin Yang, Xiaobo Zhou, Dazhao Cheng†(† corresponding author)
The 32nd International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (ACM HPDC) 2023 ConferenceCCF-BBest Paper Nomination
This paper presents Sven, an algorithm and system co-designed TGNN training library for the end-to-end performance optimization on multi-node multi-GPU systems.
Yaqi Xia, Yan Xia, Wei Li, Rui Song†, Kailang Cao, Uwe Stilla(† corresponding author)
Proceedings of the 29th ACM international conference on multimedia (ACM MM) 2021 ConferenceCCF-A
We tackle the problem of object completion from point clouds and propose a novel point cloud completion network employing an Asymmetrical Siamese Feature Matching strategy, termed as ASFM-Net.